Friday, January 27, 2006

Taking Stock

Let's look at three big races as we enter the primary season.

Randy Graf is looking good as his opponent Jim Koble has elected not to run. He has also rasied about $68,000 as of Dec 31. This is impressive as he raised about 100,000 during the last campaign and he has not receive much PAC money at this point.

Randy Graf

Less exciting is the David Dreier race. Sonny Sardo has only raised $14,000, compared with David Dreiers cash hoard of over 2 million.

Still, the John and Ken radio show factor is always in play with this race, so you never know.


Chris Cannon is not sitting on a lot of cash, but we don't know what type of resource his oppenent Jacob is going to bring to bare as he is self funded.


For now the good news is limited to Randy Graf.


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