Monday, October 03, 2005

Jim Gilchrist debates John Campbell on John and Ken

Jim Gilchrist, head of the Minutemen, debated the "mainstream" Republican candidate John Campbell as part of the special election being held in Orange County California.

Jim Gilchrist has run a surprisingly effective campaign for a novice. He has run limited radio and TV ads of reasonably high quality. He was also very well spoken in the debate with Jim Campbell.

This is an "open" election with approximately sixteen candidates. I think Gilchrist will be in the top four, but we shall see. If no candidate wins more than 50% then there will be a run off.

While I hope Jim Gilchrist wins, the debate demonstrated that his effort has been a success regardless of the outcome. During much of the debate John Campbell was basically trying to out "nativist" Jim Gilchrist. It was a pleasant change.

John Campbell agreed with almost every immigration control stance including: no in-state tuition for illegal immigrants, no driver licenses for illegals, tougher enforcement against corporate hiring of illegals and revocation of the US birth citizenship right.

Campbell further promised to hit the ground running if he won tomorrow and that he would make some key anti-immigration votes as soon as this Thursday if elected by more than 50% on Tuesday.

The Congressman being replaced is "moderate" Republican Chris Cox, who now works at the SEC(?). Therefore, the election of either Campbell or Gilchrist will move the House ever more slightly in the right direction.

That said, I would rather have Jim Gilchrist win the election. I have no problem putting a "bomb thrower" such as Gilchrist into a House seat. However, based on John Campbell's repeated immigration restrictionist statements at the debate the bottom line is that, win or lose, Jim Gilchrist has scored another political success.


Join John & Ken, TODAY, Oct 3 from 3-7pm at the Ayres Hotel in Laguna Woods. Tomorrow is the Special Primary Election for the 48th district of California – the election to replace Chris Cox in congress. We’ll have two of the top candidates, State Senator John Campbell and Co-Founder of the Minuteman Project, Jim Gilchrist. They’ll debate and take your questions. Also we will have the California Border Police petitions for you to sign and Assemblyman Ray Haynes, the author of the initiative, to answer your questions.


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