Monday, June 13, 2005

Tencredo Talks Up 2008 Presidential Bid

Tom Tencredo is keeping the heat on the immigration issue by thretenting a 2008 campaign run. Tom has established a national base and I have no doubt that he would fair well in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Even if he did not do as well in the rest of the northeast (although I think he could hold his own), doing well in these first two states would allow him to hang on until the south where he would also fair well.

In other words, he is a legitamate threat if the other candidates ignore the immigraiton issue.

The Colorado Republican announced his potential candidacy yesterday after speaking for roughly 50 minutes to the Nashua Republican City Committee at Langdon Place, an assisted living facility in Nashua.

"I don't consider myself a candidate today," Tancredo said when asked if he is considering a Presidential run, adding, "If no one will take this banner up (illegal immigration) and I say this with great trepidation yeah, I will."

"I don't know what else to do," he added.

"I say, Run," yelled Claire McHugh of Nashua from a couch in the back of the room.

Tancredo's primary goal, however, is to push (illegal immigration) to the forefront of the Presidential debate and persuade another Presidential hopefuls with more stature and resources than he to take this banner up, not just with words, but their heart.



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