Thursday, June 16, 2005

Romney is Ready, says Novak, Powerlineblog

Bob Novak says on realclearpolitics:

Romney's preparation for 2008 is more advanced than any of his potential Republican rivals. While he recently spoke in his neighboring state of New Hampshire, Romney's Commonwealth fund has raised and distributed $225,000, concentrated in three early primary states: Iowa, South Carolina and Michigan.

This early campaign is being put together by famed political consultant Mike Murphy, who is California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's closest political adviser and who worked for Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign in 2000.

I like Mike Murphy, although I don't like John McCain.

Also, we hear encouraging words from powerlineblog:

If I am right about this, the nominee will not be either a member of the Bush administration or family, nor will it likely be a Republican Senator closely associated with the administration. But since the party will still be conservative, the nominee is unlikely to be a liberal or moderate Republican Senator, particularly one who has played ball with the Senate Democrats.

This means that the most likely nominee is a Republican governor or Rudy Giuliani. Within this group, the prize most likely will go to the candidate who appeals to conservatives without scaring moderates. Like the George Bush of 2000. Romney may fit that description.

So far, Mitt seems better than most on immigration, but we need to keep watching.

Chris Cannon under FEC Investigation

The FEC is investigating Chris Cannon's 2004 re-election campaign.

Hunter said the notice from the FEC, received last month, ``indicated they're going to look at everything, which is fine. It's all there to look at.'' He said Cannon's treasurer, state Sen. Curtis Bramble, has sent records to the agency.

Larry Noble, a former general counsel with the FEC who now runs the Center for Responsive Politics, said the commission doesn't have the resources to do many audits, so they are ``only done when there are enough problems to really warrant the FEC to look at them.


Hunter said Cannon's opponents, particularly those who oppose his immigration stand, have made complaints to the FEC and stirred up trouble, ``so it certainly doesn't surprise me'' that there would be an audit.


Monday, June 13, 2005

Tencredo Talks Up 2008 Presidential Bid

Tom Tencredo is keeping the heat on the immigration issue by thretenting a 2008 campaign run. Tom has established a national base and I have no doubt that he would fair well in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Even if he did not do as well in the rest of the northeast (although I think he could hold his own), doing well in these first two states would allow him to hang on until the south where he would also fair well.

In other words, he is a legitamate threat if the other candidates ignore the immigraiton issue.

The Colorado Republican announced his potential candidacy yesterday after speaking for roughly 50 minutes to the Nashua Republican City Committee at Langdon Place, an assisted living facility in Nashua.

"I don't consider myself a candidate today," Tancredo said when asked if he is considering a Presidential run, adding, "If no one will take this banner up (illegal immigration) and I say this with great trepidation yeah, I will."

"I don't know what else to do," he added.

"I say, Run," yelled Claire McHugh of Nashua from a couch in the back of the room.

Tancredo's primary goal, however, is to push (illegal immigration) to the forefront of the Presidential debate and persuade another Presidential hopefuls with more stature and resources than he to take this banner up, not just with words, but their heart.


Friday, June 10, 2005

Sonny Sardo to Challenge David Dreier in CA 26th

Sonny Sardo announced that is going to challenge David Dreier for the Republican nomination to run in the 26th District of CA. He challenged Dreier in the previous election, however, Dreier had not been exposed as the fake on immigration control that he is at the time.

His only chance is if John and Ken (talk show hosts) get on the bandwagon, as Dreier has a war chest of 2.8 million, which is massive for a House member.

Mitt Romney Promises Veto of Immigrant-Tuition Bill

Mitt Romney is planning to run for President in 2008. As such, he needs to take stances that he thinks will be popular nationwide, rather than just in Massachusetts.

Well, he is sending the message that in-state tuition for illegal aliens is not popular nationwide. Maybe people are starting to "get it."

Legislation granting undocumented immigrants the discounted in-state tuition rate at state colleges and universities is failing to make the grade in the House.

Several House lawmakers said this week there aren't enough favorable votes in the House to withstand a promised veto of the bill by Gov. Mitt Romney, and some suggested support may even fall short of the 81-vote majority needed to pass it.

If they can't pass something like this in Massachusetts that says a lot about how unpopular giving in-state tuition to illegal aliens is.


Republican Primary Challenger in Idaho, District 1

Looks like Robert Vasquez will be challegning for the District 1 seat in Idaho. The current holder of the seat is Butch Otter who immigration report card is here.

Otter has a reasonable average grade of B-, which doesn't seem so bad, however, the F grades for amnesty and visa proposals indicates he needs to go.

Here is some background of Mr. Vasquez.

Mr. Vasquez, 55, a Republican county commissioner and Mexican-American in a region where Latinos are ascendant, has been on a crusade against illegal immigration, what he calls "an imminent invasion" from south of the border.

Mr. Vasquez has tried to have Canyon County declared a disaster area because of the strain from illegal immigrants. He has also sent a bill to the Mexican government for more than $2 million; that is the cost, he said, of Mexicans who are in the county illegally.

Mr. Vasquez says the newcomers overwhelm public services, bring gang violence and drugs, spread diseases like tuberculosis and insist on rights that should not be granted to noncitizens.

His latest salvo, a plan to sue employers who hire illegal immigrants, has angered the solidly Republican business community and many of the senior political leaders in this heavily Republican state. The plan would make Canyon County the only local government in the country to use federal racketeering statutes against people who employ illegal immigrants, said Howard Foster, a Chicago lawyer advising the county.