Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Grahm Challenger

Bauer possibly a challenger for Inglis, Graham?
By Jason Spencer
Published: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 | Updated: 6:30 am
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South Carolina Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer arrived in Spartanburg last week for a Republican rally saying, "I'm not running for anything."

He wasn't so sure when he left.

Bauer said Tuesday that the sheer number of people who came up to him when he was here and asked him to run for Congress has caused him to consider challenging either U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham or U.S. Rep. Bob Inglis. Both are Republicans.

"I'm still happy doing what I'm doing," Bauer said. "For a while now, I've had people approach me, and I've kind of brushed it off. But any time you have that many activists in the party approach you, you would have to at least think about it."

The crowd - which had a large contingent of people set on publicly reprimanding Graham for several actions, particularly his support of immigration reform in Congress - was split as to who Bauer should run against. Many hugged him or shook his hand, greeting him by first name.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Dirty Dozen

The Dirty Dozen Republican Senators (RINOs)

Twelve out of forty-six Republican senators sold out the American worker and voted for amnesty. While the number of illegal aliens within our borders is not precisely known, most estimates range from 12 to 20 million.

Unfortunately these are only ‘guesstimates’ no one actually knows how many there are. Some claim it could be 30 million or higher. If each amnestied illegal only brings in three dependents, our population could increase anywhere from 48 to 120 million and start our transition toward a Third World (our current population is something over 300 million.

Knowing the number of illegals receiving amnesty was unknown and with full knowledge of the trillion dollar cost and the devastating environmental impact these senators voted for amnesty---they need to be run out of town on a rail. The only thing Republican about these RINOs are their socks. Keep this list of the dirty dozen handy so they can get the shaft from voters at their next election. The dirty dozen Republican senators and their re- election dates are:

Re-election 2008

1. Larry Craig, Idaho

2. Lindsey Graham, South Carolina

3. Chuck Hagel, Nebraska

Re-election 2010

4. Robert Bennett, Utah

5. Judd Gregg, New Hampshire

6. Mel Martinez, Florida

7. John McCain, Arizona

8. Arlen Specter, Pennsylvania

Re-election 2012

9. Jon Kyl, Arizona

10. Trent Lott, Mississippi

11. Richard Lugar, Indiana

12. Olympia Snowe, Maine

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