Saturday, August 27, 2005

John March to Run Against Dreier

Powderbluereport says that John March has decided to run against David Dreier in the Republican primary. John March is the father of the slain police officer who killer now lives in Mexico. The Mexican government refuses to extradite the killer unless the US agrees not to pursue the death penalty.

David Dreier has done absolutely nothing to assist in the March situation, and has in fact offered bills to make it worse.

March will have a compelling story with which to run against Dreier and would make a stronger candidate than Sonny Sardo.


Friday, August 26, 2005

John D. Jacob Challenges Chris Cannon in Utah

Looks like we (finally) have a serious challenger to Chris Cannon.

WASHINGTON - Millionaire real estate developer John D. Jacob, a Republican, is forming a committee to explore the prospect of running against Rep. Chris Cannon, R-Utah, and could announce his candidacy at the end of next month, Jacob's spokesman said Thursday.

Jacob will not run on the immigration issue, but he is clearly more moderate than Cannon, who is essentially open borders.

Jacob won't run on the immigration issue, as Throckmorton did, Demke said. But he believes Cannon should have been willing to debate Colorado Rep. Tom Tancredo, a Republican anti-illegal immigration crusader, when Tancredo was in Cannon's district this week.

While is sounds like Jacob is a moderate (which is still better than Cannon), I doubt he would be running against Cannon if he did not have some feelings about the immigration issue.

Let wish him the best of luck.


Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Jim Gilchrist to run for 48th Congression District

Jim Gilchrist looks like he is going to run for the 48th Congressional District in a special election.

The 48th Congressional District of California will soon be vacant due to President Bush's appointment of Rep. Chris Cox as head of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Once Cox officially resigns from his House seat, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is required to set a date for a special election within 14 days. That election must be held between 112 and 119 days later.

There are pros and cons to this move. The short election cycle will reduce the power of money, which is good for Gilchrist. However, it will be hard to get name recognition up in such a short period of time.

Send him a check if you can. He will need it.

Link to Story

Gilchrist for Congress